Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.
Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.
By Not Known People sometimes feel the need for a makeover. Depending on who we are, we head for the hairdresser’s, skin clinic, spa, clothing and shoe shops. We come out looking and feeling like a million dollars (and costing it too!). But then a few days passes and we realise that not much has…
By Not Known … the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation throush faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teachins, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.(2 Tim 3:15-17). This is a…
By Not Known An increasing range of Bible ‘products‘ are available to the Christian public. These include an ever-expanding number of translations, apparently endless versions of the same translation packaged for different markets and a huge range of supporting materials in hard and soft versions. The positive side of this is that the Christian public…
By Not Known It is a defining feature of the Christian church that we regard ourselves as a people of God’s book. We gladly affirm that all Scripture is inspired by God and useful…. (2 Tim 3:16). Because we identify the Bible as the word of God, we make Bible teaching and learning central to…
By Not Known Christians sometimes wonder if there is more to our faith than just church activities for a few hours. We may also wonder if our daily activities have significance before God – perhaps in comparison to people who work full time in Christian ministry. For a long time the Christian church downplayed the…
By Not Known God’s gift of music is first mentioned in Genesis 4:21 and has long been used in worship. One of the earliest sacred songs is a hymn of praise to God for his work of saving Israel from Egypt (Ex 15:1-18). These themes continue through both Old and New Testaments. There are hundreds…
By Not Known For a long time, Presbyterian services typically began with the words, Let us worship God. A key word in that statement is us. Much in the Bible encourages God’s people to come together to admire God, thank him, confess sins, learn from him, thank him and ask things of him. The Old…
By Not Known Worship is a central Christian activity and will be our focus right through October. What is worship? Someone has defined worship as: … anything that recognises that God is God and that we are not. In this sense, worship is taking our place in the world under God, rather than separate from…
By Not Known The history of Christianity has been one of adapting the faith in different places. Christianity started as an Asian religion, specifically, a religion of Palestine. It has spread into Asia Minor, the wider Middle East, Europe, Africa, the Americas, East and South-East Asia, Russia and the Pacific. This is a great story…
By Not Known Much is expected of those who serve as church leaders, including the Elders and Deacons that we elect today. Read what qualities they are expected to have: 1The saying is sure: If any one aspires to the office of bishop, he desires a noble task. 2Now a bishop must be above reproach,…