
By Not Known

Something significant happened amongst us last Sunday (31 August 03).

We heard a clear message from the Bible challenging us about keeping on in our fallowing of Jesus. As Mr Thomas John explained it, Christianity is neither an instant process nor primarily a feel-good experience. Rather, Christianity is a life-long slog in which we follow Jesus, step by difficult step.

Many of us were touched by the message last Sunday. About 50 people filled in forms indicating new commitments or re-dedications to follow Jesus – but that is really not the point. The real significance of last Sunday is that we were all challenged as to our ongoing relationship with Jesus.

What are you doing in respoinse to this challenge?

Our Speaker pointed us to the example of the first believers after Pentecost who were devoted to 4 things: Christian teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread , and prayer. In different ways, therse 4 things have been the sustaining habits of Christians of all traditions since the ascension. There is no subsitute for them.

How have you gone on these things during the last week? Did your resolve of last Sunday stand or did it fade away like another empty promise?

We were also challenged as to our life together as Jesus’ followers. As was pointed out, most of the New Testament is addressed to God’s people together, not separately. (This was well captured in the thou/thee distincitions of older English Translations.) Yet, we are largely children of our individualistic culture. We pray and read the Bible huddled to ourselves, resent the attempts of others to minister to us or call us to account and are lone rangers when it comes to Christian Service.

How are you doing at meeting together to enourage one another? (Heb 10: 25)

Jesus tells us that heaven rejoices when even one sinner repents (Lk. 15: 7). How much greater ther rejoicing when a whole group of God’s people are serious about their life long obedience to Jesus.

Let’s pray for one another – that we will be given grace to be stayers rather than quitters in our Lord’s kingdom.