As a university student in NUS, Rebecca was actively involved in the Varsity Christian Fellowship as a student leader, an affiliate movement of the Fellowship of Evangelical Students (FES).
The Fellowship of Evangelical Students (FES) is an inter-denominational Christian organisation serving among students in the Universities, Polytechnics, and ITEs in Singapore.
Formed in 1959, the pioneering emphasis of FES was to develop a strong evangelical witness in every institute of higher learning in Singapore. FES also coordinates the work of the Christian Fellowships (CFs) on various campuses, facilitates interaction between student leaders from the various groups and enables them to exchange ideas and encourage one another effectively. Encapsulating the ethos that has guided FES since its formation, FES’s vision is “To see a community of Christlike leaders who are salt and light on campus, in the church, and in society for the glory of God.”
In 2017, Rebecca graduated from the National University of Singapore with a Bachelor in Life Sciences (Hons), specialising in Environmental Biology. Upon graduation, God called Rebecca to Mongolia and FES agreed to send her to its affiliated counterpart in Mongolia, the Fellowship of Campus Students (FCS). It was in this manner that Rebecca joined FES as a staff in April 2018.
Right: By the river at Gachuurt, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, during spring time at around 10 degrees celcius
In Jan 2019, FES commissioned and seconded Rebecca to FCS Mongolia and she became a member of the local staff team. Together with her colleague, they lead the medical students campus group for discipleship, bible study, and fellowship. In addition, Rebecca teaches English to students and translate the ministry’s prayer letters. Besides working with individual students, she also contribute to the wider body of Christ in Mongolia. The ministry also has a publishing arm and, together with the other members of the translation team, the team translate and publish good quality Christian books from English into Mongolian and so edify the local churches.
Rebecca was “born” into ORPC, to church members, Elder Ee Tuo and Stephanie. She has two younger siblings, Benjamin and Eliza.

Left to right: Benjamin (brother), Elder Ee Tuo (Dad), Stephanie (Mum), Eliza (sister), Rebecca
Rebecca is interested in various topics, such as social justice, creation care, and workplace theology. Upon serving in Mongolia, Rebecca became interested in linguistics, even though she may not speak the local language very well. In her free time, Rebecca enjoys the simple pleasures of reading, doing crafts, watching Netflix, and soaking in nature, be it sun, rain, or snow.