Curious about ORPC’s missions work in Cambodia? Read on to find out more about what we have done so far and how you can participate.
our partners in cambodia

Synod Presbyterian Churches Cambodia (SPCC)
5P (Phnom Penh Promise People Presbyterian) Church
Amazing Grace Presbyterian Church
Kampong Speu Presbyterian Church
Life Mission Presbyterian Church
People Presbyterian Community Church
Phnom Penh Presbyterian Church
Power of the Lord Presbyterian Church (Prey Veng)
Lutheran City Church
what have we done so far
2018: Planting the mustard seed
In 2018, the Mustard Seed Small Group (MSSG) was invited by Elder Dr Lee Chin Piaw to join him on a trip to Phnom Penh as part of the Khmer Sight Mission. During this trip, the MSSG mission team reached out to adult cataract surgery patients referred by the local Presbyterian and Lutheran churches, as well as children from various Presbyterian churches in Phnom Penh. Having experienced God’s hand at work in the mission fields in Cambodia, the MSSG team shared their experiences and encouraged ORPC to send labourers to the vast harvest field in Cambodia.
2019: Tending to the sprout
Building on the momentum started by MSSG, ORPC embarked on three mission trips to Cambodia in 2019: two outreach trips and one youth leaders equipping session.
May 2019 Weekend Outreach and June Patients Outreach
The two outreach sessions were aligned to the Khmer Sight Mission timetable and gave us multiple opportunities to engage cataract patients and their families pre- and post-surgery. Across both trips, more than 30 ORPC trippers reached out to surgery candidates, patients and their families to befriend them, share the gospel with them and accompany them at various stages of the surgery process. The varied outreach programme featured praise and worship, testimony sharing, house visits and even interactive activities and a puppet show!

Over the two trips, around 230 children and another 230 adults heard the gospel, and 86 adults responded to the gospel as well. Praise the Lord!
Bible Study Discipleship Equipping Session
Beyond evangelism, we also sought to support our Cambodian partner churches in discipling and following up with new church members. Hence, in November, 5 ORPC trippers travelled to Cambodia to help equip youth leaders from the Phnom Penh, Kampong Speu and Prey Veng churches with skills for Bible study and discipling new believers, particularly the 86 who received the gospel during the May/June outreach.
2020-2021: The sapling in the storm
2020 proved to be a disruptive, challenging year for the world and also the churches. Notwithstanding, we thank God that we were still able to proceed with the following programmes with our Cambodian partners:
Phnom Penh Youth Equipping Conference & Arts Appreciation Workshop

In October-November 2020, ORPC hosted a virtual conference for over 50 Cambodian pastors and youth leaders with the theme “God’s Big Picture”. Participants learned about how the Bible fits together as one picture to proclaim God’s salvation plan through Jesus Christ. The programme included talks as well as an Arts Appreciation Workshop to train youth leaders to conduct such arts-based outreach workshops.
Design for Discipleship
ORPC provided funding support for Design for Discipleship Bible study materials for youths. We thank God that our partner churches were able to continue using these in their small group meetings despite the challenges posed by COVID-19.
English Language Ministry

2021 also saw the graduation of students from the ACE (Arts, Culture and English Expressions) Course run by the ORPC Living Stones Small Group and People Presbyterian Community Church (PPCC) in Phnom Penh.
The ACE course uses the Bible to introduce students to Western culture, arts and everyday expressions. The course served as an outreach platform to engage young people in Phnom Penh while equipping them with basic English reading and conversation skills, while also sharing the gospel with them.
2022 & Beyond: Going for growth
“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” (Ephesians 6:18)
The ORPC Cambodia Missions Taskforce is continuing to monitor the pandemic situation and maintaining contact with our local partner churches to assess the most suitable ways to support outreach efforts in Cambodia during this time. Do stay tuned for future missions initiatives to be announced! Please also keep the Missions Taskforce and our Cambodian partner churches in prayer, so that God’s wisdom may guide us to continue to find ways to spread His good news notwithstanding the current limitations.