A ministry that reaches out to the elderly through craft work classes
Handiwork is a “Social Enterprise” run 100% by volunteers. The ministry was started by a group of faithful worshippers from ORPC in the mid 1990s to serve the needy elderly in the community at Senior Activity Centres (SACs) in collaboration with Presbyterian Community Services (PCS). The craft work classes are currently conducted at 3 Presbyterian Senior Activity Centres.

Handiwork sale
The handiwork craft is also sold online on Lazada.
The ministry has a facebook page.
Annual Christmas fairs at supporting Presbyterian churches are held to sell the craft
Volunteers needed
- Befriend and assist elderly in handicraft – Weekly , 1 – 4 pm
- Mondays – Esther SAC, Queenstown
- Tuesdays – Evergreen Circle SAC, Tampines
- Thursdays – Hannah SAC, Toh Tuck
- Help sell craft at fairs.
Leave us a message if you would like to volunteer. Indicate Community Outreach.