The mission of the Banner Ministry is to broadcast the Word of God to the public, bringing to their attention:
- The existence of our God who is the Creator of the universe and the Sovereign Lord of all.
- The sinfulness of men and that the penalty of sin is death.
- God loves us and sent His Son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross to redeem us from the penalty of sin.
- Jesus Christ will come again and will rule over all.
- Life is not meaningless, but we live surrounded by God’s love, and bound for eternity with him.
The Banner Ministry leverages on the strategic location of the church to display a large canvas banner to share God’s Word to passersby. The design of the banner will change monthly. Each time, the banner will carry a key message from the Bible and link it to current issues, trends and events. The message is either evocative or provocative so as to cause passersby to pause and ponder.

The Banner Ministry has also extended into the social media space called Scripture in Picture. You can find past banner designs and other designs relating to the Scripture here. We hope that these pictures will encourage you in your Christian walk. Please feel free to download the pictures for your personal use. It is not to be used for any commercial purpose.

Visit Scripture in Picture (here) to view designs of all past banners and more!
The Banner Ministry needs artists, writers, administrators and social media influencers to help in the design and creation of the banners. We also invite helpers to create additional digital banners to be shared on our church website. It is a powerful platform to use your gift of design to bring God’s message to the public.
We will also need members to pray for
- Sensitivity of designers to know the key message to share with the public;
- Creative ideas to bring out the message effectively; and
- Receptiveness of passersby who see the banner; to touch their hearts so that they will experience God’s love and receive salvation.
Drop us an email if you are keen to be part of this ministry.