The Youth Ministry is an age-specific transition ministry, and it seeks to serve both churched and unchurched youths aged 13 to 19 years old. It is led by youths and supported by adult and young adult mentors who care deeply for the young by discipling them in God’s word and by providing a significant adult presence in their lives.
The ministry’s goal is for our youths to:
- Grow closer to Christ (personal)
- Encourage one another in their walk with God (peer)
- Focus on love & the unity of the body (community)
- Be concerned about bringing others to Christ (outward-looking)

Youth Service: On the 3rd and 4th Sundays of each month, we gather in the chapel for Youth Service at 9am (except in June and December). It is run by the youth with age-relevant, meaningful, and interesting talks as well as times of light-hearted fellowship bonding through games and conversations.
Youth Fellowship: We meet for youth fellowship at 11.00 am every Sunday. During fellowship, we gather for prayer, Bible study (first and third Sundays), for listening and discussion of topics relevant to our walk with Christ (second Sundays), and joining the wider church for SOCM – School of Christian Ministry (fourth Sundays).
Events: Various special events are organised for the youth. For example, in conjunction with the public school holidays, we have fellowship outings and each year-end we have a Youth Camp.

- PRAY FOR US: Only the Holy Spirit can do the essential work of changing the hearts of the youth so that they come to know Christ. We absolutely need to be relying on the Lord’s strength, wisdom, and grace.
- ENCOURAGE YOUR YOUTH TO COME: Time and time again, graduating youths have talked about the importance of their experiences of being plugged in to a Christian community in helping them stay rooted in Christ. Youths nowadays are very busy, but the investment of time into their faith now has eternal rewards.
- CONNECT WITH YOUR YOUTH: Discuss the sermon or the Bible passage with your youth before or after sermons/Bible study sessions! This can help to your child explore questions or concerns they have, as well as reinforce what they have heard.
- CONNECT WITH OUR YOUTH MENTORS & PASTOR: The Youth Mentors and Pastor are probably the second most important influence in your youth’s spiritual life (after the parents). We would love to partner with you to help your youth grow in the Lord.
- BE A YOUTH MENTOR: We are always in need of godly ‘Pauls’ who can faithfully disciple the ‘Timothies’ to explore the wonders of God’s Word and God’s world together. Training is available to ensure that every Youth Mentor is equipped for service.

- BEFRIEND A YOUTH: We need many more adults from the church community to reach out, befriend, and form meaningful connections with our youths in order to make them feel an integral part of our church. It can be as easy as befriending one or two youths and showing a genuine interest in what’s going on in their lives.
- SUPPORT OUR ACTIVITIES: Additional adult support in sponsoring and anchoring the activities of Youth Ministry is important in connecting youths with the rest of the church. You could garner parents, supervise an ongoing programme, provide financial support for some of the initiatives, or simply be present – the possibilities are endless!
More Information
Do contact Ps Ho Wei Liang (using the form below or visit our Instagram page for more information.