Past Events (Page 29)


A series of monthly classes to encourage and equip church members to live out the Biblical commands to love one another and carry each other’s burdens


Living in Light of Christ’s Second Coming.
The Book of Revelation is recognised as apocalyptic literature, narrating a prophet’s symbolic visions that revealed God’s heavenly perspective on human history and current events so that the present could be viewed in light of history’s final outcome.

Revelation (Part 1)

Living in Light of Christ’s Second Coming.
The Book of Revelation is recognised as apocalyptic literature, narrating a prophet’s symbolic visions that revealed God’s heavenly perspective on human history and current events so that the present could be viewed in light of history’s final outcome.

Prayer Meeting – January 2022

Love the LORD, all his faithful people! The LORD preserves those who are true to him, but the proud he pays back in full. Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD Psalm 31:23-24 The prayer bulletin will be posted here before the meeting. For inquiries, please email

Movie nights

Join us for a movie night. There will be movie and popcorn – and a meal too. We are screening 3 movies (below) at various locations (homes) and times. Contact us if you are interested: