Pastoral Message (Page 87)

Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.

Telling the Christmas Story

By Not Known Matthew writes well. His telling of the Christmas story keeps our attention as he moves from one dramatic scene to another. But in all this he keeps our focus where he wants it to be – on Jesus. Consider the way Matthew treats his characters. In just two chapters he introduces at…

Hey, It’s Christmas

By Not Known The Christmas scene is well and truly with us. The Orchard Road display is up and Christmas carols croon behind the ringing of cash registers in the shopping malls. Families take holidays and employees calculate the year-end bonus. Restaurants offer Christmas dishes, homes are decorated and cards are sent. Is that all?…

The Unfinished Business of Christmas

By Not Known The coming of Jesus at Christmas was a giant leap forward in God’s plans. Christmas was a big fulfilment of Old Testament promises. Here was the descendant of Eve who would crush the serpent’s head (Gen 3: 15). ‘Immanuel’ was here, representing the presence of God with his people (Isa 7:14). The…

Future Hope – Present Responsibility

By Not Known The Bible holds out a big message of hope for God’s creation and people. Zechariah explains this hope in the terms of his generation – a revived Israel and an impregnable Jerusalem. The Gospels explain it in terms of the fullness of God’s kingdom: God’s people in God’s place and under God’s…

By Not Known They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn (Zech 12:10) Like the other prophets Zechariah has a message that reflects God’s holiness and mercy. God’s holiness is seen in his judgements. He is so holy that he will even judge his own people. God’s mercy is…

Simplicity & Purity

By Not Known It was not too long ago that we had our Great Singapore Sale. This week, Christmas decorations are already up along the road outside our church signifying the upcoming Great Christmas sale. The dilemma of keeping life simple and without clutter is going to take another beating. Actually, we face this dilemma…

Love Coming Out

By Not Known What God first seeks is a response of the heart. We are to love him (Deut 6:5). This is love in our deepest parts with the strength and passion of an undivided love – for he is One only (Deut 6:4). But love means nothing unless it comes out of the heart…

ORPC – A Church At The Crossroads

By Not Known Our 151th anniversary sees ORPC at three crossroads. Firstly, we are at the crossroads of our nation. Our church buildings are at a transport, educational, retailing and entertainment hub. Thousands of people pass through our precinct weekly. We have a great opportunity to witness to them through the enhanced banner ministy and…

Jesus – Priest and King

By Not Known The news of God’s mercy in Jesus calls us to a life that is changed from the inside out (Rom 12:1-2). The New Testament never lets us off the hook, as though the message of grace is an excuse of sin, but repeatedly calls us to a life worthy of the Lord…

Jesus Paid it All!

By Not Known Today’s Lord’s Supper points us to the gospel of Jesus. God forgives sin and restores those who believe in his Son to fellowship with himself and all else. Jesus spoke of this when he gave us the Lord’s Supper. The setting was a Jewish Passover meal (Ex 12:1-30). A lamb’s blood was…