Pastoral Message (Page 87)

Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.

Love Coming Out

By Not Known What God first seeks is a response of the heart. We are to love him (Deut 6:5). This is love in our deepest parts with the strength and passion of an undivided love – for he is One only (Deut 6:4). But love means nothing unless it comes out of the heart…

ORPC – A Church At The Crossroads

By Not Known Our 151th anniversary sees ORPC at three crossroads. Firstly, we are at the crossroads of our nation. Our church buildings are at a transport, educational, retailing and entertainment hub. Thousands of people pass through our precinct weekly. We have a great opportunity to witness to them through the enhanced banner ministy and…

Jesus – Priest and King

By Not Known The news of God’s mercy in Jesus calls us to a life that is changed from the inside out (Rom 12:1-2). The New Testament never lets us off the hook, as though the message of grace is an excuse of sin, but repeatedly calls us to a life worthy of the Lord…

Jesus Paid it All!

By Not Known Today’s Lord’s Supper points us to the gospel of Jesus. God forgives sin and restores those who believe in his Son to fellowship with himself and all else. Jesus spoke of this when he gave us the Lord’s Supper. The setting was a Jewish Passover meal (Ex 12:1-30). A lamb’s blood was…

The A to Z of Biblical Prophecy

By Not Known Our Bible contains 17 Old Testament books and one New Testament book of prophecy. The New Testament mentions prophets in the Gospels and Letters. We looked at a passage from Amos last Sunday and will start looking at Zechariah this morning. That’s the A to Z! Some think of the prophets as…

Let us worship God

By Not Known In some places church services start with the words “Let us worship God.” These good words summon believers to give God his worth for who he is by praying to him, listening to what he says and by singing his praises. During this last month we have been reminded and challenged about…

Give God His Worth by Singing His Praise

By Not Known God’s people sing. From one end of the Bible to the other we read of people writing and singing spiritual songs (e.g. Ex 15; Rev 5). The songs of the Bible express the thoughts of the mind and the feelings of the heart in a way that is centred on God. Under…

Sharing the Worship of Other Christians

By Not Known Heaven is a place of global worship. Believers from every corner of humanity unite to declare their adoration to the one God and Saviour (Rev 7:9-10). We have a taste of this on earth as we share in worship with other Christians. I have worshipped with the incredible exuberance of percussion, dance…

Give God His Worth by Praying to Him

By Not Known The Bible challenges us with its call that we ‘pray continually’ (1 Thess 5:17). This does not mean entering a monastery and spending every waking hour on our knees. (Although, some time praying on our knees is a good reminder of our submission and dependence on the Lord!). It means living the…

Give God His Worth for who He is

By Not Known The first place to study worship is in the last book of the Bible. The worship of , heaven is the model for the church on earth, for heaven’s worship is perfect (Heb 8:1-2;9:11,23-24). All earthly worship is flawed, for we always bring imperfect hearts in worship of a God who deserves…