Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.
Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.
By Not Known Most religions are tribal and local. This is not our faith. The Scripture teaches that God made all, for, in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Gen 1:1). All remains under his Lordship, even if in a state of rebellion, for:the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it(Ps…
By Not Known Christianity is freedom. The truth of the gospel sets us free (Jn 8:32). Free from fear and superstition. Free from the penalty and power of sin. Free from a life enslaved by man’s rules. These precious liberties are all established by the Cross and resurrection of Jesus and his gift of the…
By Not Known Mid-first century Corinth was a city of runners. Paul was at Corinth when the spring games of 51AD were held at Isthmia which was about 10km away. Perhaps he went to the games on a day-of? These games required training. Athletes could not enter, let alone hope to win, unless they had…
By Not Known Bullies come in many forms. They are sometimes physical, but often verbal or psychological. A parent, spouse, teacher, work colleague or even a church member can be a bully. Bullies threaten, intimidate and demoralise us from some position of real or imagined strength. Who bullies you? Hezekiah faced a bully (Is 36-37).…
By Not Known People become Christians in different ways. Some believe in Jesus after a slow, gradual and barely visible process. For others, it is a faster, more dramatic and very visible process. Acts 16:22-34 tells the story of a fast conversion. As we read it, we see a jailer walk five steps to salvation.…
By Not Known The Bible gives enticing picture of what things will be like at the end. Paul puts it this way: … God will be all in all (1 Cor 15:28). This does not mean that creation and its people will lose their identity. The heavens, the earth and its people will still ‘be’,…
By Not Known Palm Sunday was a very Jewish event at the start of a very Jewish week. The Jewish Jesus entered the capital city of the Jews at the start of the week when the Jewish Passover was to be celebrated. Matthew uses passages from the Hebrew Old Testament to interpret this (Mat 21:1-17,…
By Not Known A book of simple mentat experiments urges us to be self-aware of our I. Our I is unseen and indefinable, yet it shapes every thought, word, action and moment of self-consciousness. The search to know their I has driven many to existential anguish as it eludes ‘capture’ again and again. Paul has…
By Not Known Messages bombard us every day. Emails, SMS, IM and Face Book posts are a digital tsunami that threatens to swamp us. Let alone web sites, newspapers, government announcements, junk mail, phone chats, post-it notes, memos and even face-to-face talks. Many of these messages are spam. They have a momentary significance that passes…
By Not Known Our spirits are often trapped by restlessness and change is our only constant. Thus we seek whatever is new or different. This may be the trivial pursuit of the latest mobile gadget, the vain pursuit of a new ‘look’ , or,the ‘green grass’ pursuit of a new job. Or perhaps our search…