Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.
Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.
By Not Known The Christian Scriptures are central to our gathered worship, to all Christian ministries and to our private piety. Why put such an emphasis on this diverse collection of ancient writings? They are often difficult to understand and are far removed from our digital world in which we are post-everything but unsure what…
By Not Known Help to the needy often begins with those closest to us. And so we read: Whoever does not provide for relatives, and especially for family members has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever (1 Tim 5: 8). Following this we may often start our help-giving with our family, our…
By Not Known In some places ‘holiness’ has a bad name. It is associated with prudishness, sanctimoniousness, censoriousness and self-righteousness. Is this what God means when he calls us to: be holy because I am holy (Lev 11:44; 1Pet 1:15)? A basic idea in holiness is that we are to be different. We are to…
By Not Known Some years ago I worked for a company that sold bulk industrial chemicals. I soon learnt the basic sales strategy of demonstrating a need (or creating one!) and then showing how my firm could meet it better than any competitors. We need to see our need of Jesus before we believe in…
By Not Known The word ‘worship’ can be used in several important ways. First up, there is our life-worship, in which all of all we are at all times is lived in thankful service to the Lord (Rom 12:1-2). Without this, no other worship makes sense. Secondly, there is the gathered worship as represented by…
By Not Known Many of our prayers ask God for blessings. And at this time of the year many are earnest to ask the Lord for protection. What do we mean by blessing and protection? Are they the heart of our human needs? By ‘blessings’ we usually mean things like health, wealth and other daily…
By Not Known I am the person who cares for your kids but can’t swim in your pool Who rides in the back of a truck to make your garden pretty Who sleeps in a dormitory while I build your home Who clears the table when you just walk off Who keeps your place safe,…
By Not Known Jesus told the first church leaders to make disciples from all peoples (Mat 28:19). We read that heaven’s church has members from all corners of humanity (Rev 7:9). Likewise Paul writes of his obligation to preach the gospel to all kinds of people and thus his desire to visit Rome so that…
By Not Known The Roman Empire was the monolith of New Testament times. All roads led to Rome, all power belonged to Rome and all revenue flowed to Rome. Other powers quaked and fell before her and Roman hegemony threatened to crush all before it. Many European countries have archaeological digs and museum projects to…
By Not Known The Christian faith has many puzzles that seem to raise ‘either / or’ questions. Is God three or one? Was Jesus divine or human? Is the Bible divine or human? Does God rule everything or are we responsible? Do we need faith or works? Many of these puzzles have ‘both / and’…