Pastoral Message (Page 6)

Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.

It’s Your Choice

We know that human life is filled with decisions. We must make choices every day of our lives—some of them are insignificant decisions, like what to eat for lunch after Sunday service, while some of them come with life-changing consequences. When it comes to the latter—matters that carries such weight—we often take longer. Or we…

A Virtue Worth Pursuing…

Imagine the following: First, at home, your five-year-old child throws a tantrum and refuses to follow your instructions and creates a mess. Second, at work, you have a colleague who often makes simple mistakes thus creating problems that result in logjams in your group project. Third, in church, you are frustrated with a member who…

Ps Tan Hui Ru


Christians are part of the Body of Christ, interdependent on each other (1 Cor 12:12-31) – many of us know this and understand this, at least in theory. We know that we need different gifts in the church, we know that no one gift is more exalted than another, and we know that we should…

Pastor Herna

Is It Possible to Rejoice Always?

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” (Phil. 4:4). If our child graduates from an educational institution, we will rejoice. On the other hand, if our child needs to undergo surgery, we will naturally not rejoice. If we have bought a new house, we will rejoice. On the other hand, if…

Christian Perspective on Chinese New Year

The Chinese New Year (CNY) is a widely celebrated cultural event around the world, especially in places with significant Chinese population. This festive occasion is steeped in symbolisms and traditions, such as the custom of giving red envelopes (hongbao) containing money for good luck or enjoying special foods which have auspicious meanings. Though CNY celebrations…

The Posture of Listening

What should I do with my life? Who should I date? Should I get married? Who should I marry? What course of study should I pursue? Which tertiary institution should I go to? What job should I take up? How do I know I’m making the right decisions? These are just a few of the…

God’s Gift

A strong sense of guilt engulfed Steven as he had not spent quiet time with God for two months. One evening, out of obligation, he went to his study and started praying to God. “Dear God, I am sorry for not spending time with you but I have many problems to tackle. I am facing…

Ps Tan Hui Ru

Time for Disciple-making

Singapore is a very busy place to live in. It feels like everyone, even children, have their calendars chock-full of events – things to do, places to be. And it just seems that if there isn’t a “serious” item on the agenda for that time slot, it’s up for grabs for something else. There’s a…