Pastoral Message (Page 32)

Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.

God’s Mouthpiece

By Not Known In today’s passage, Moses is seen to question or doubt God for choosing him to lead His people out of Egypt. Even after his encounter with God through the burning bush, God’s revelation of His name “I AM,” the provision of the staff, the miracle of the leprous hand as well as…

“The Three Tenses of Salvation”

By Not Known Ephesians 2:8 The biblical teaching on Christian salvation indicates a three-dimensional perspective, including salvation, sanctification, and glorification. In Eph. 2:8, Paul writes, “For by grace you have been saved through faith.” Salvation is understood as a past event or dealing with the penalty of sin, indicating a completed action. In Cor. 1:18,…

Blessings in Believing

By Not Known “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfil his promises to her!” Luke 1:45 The word “believed” can be viewed simply by believers as putting trust in something or someone. The Bible explains that believing in Jesus involves the mind, the heart as well as outward actions, such as…

The Blessedness of Gathering under His Word

By Not Known The Church is not our idea but God’s. It is an assembly formed by and under the word of God (Deut. 4:10). Moses would look back to the day the first church was formed at Mt. Sinai in Exodus 19-20 and call it “the day of the assembly” (Deut. 9:10; 10:4; 18:16).…

The Essentials of Life: A Lesson Learnt from Enoch

By Not Known Reading Genesis 5:9-24 (ESV) may seem boring. It is because there is no plot of a story in it. It is just an account of the lifespans of generations. The content is just about being born and bred, and dying. Despite this, the repetitive clause, ‘and he died’ reflects the reality of…

To know, gain and be found in Christ

By Not Known How do you normally introduce yourself, or how do we introduce new people in our midst? Often we begin with our name and title, followed by our function or position, together with the company or organization we represent. “This is Dr. (so-and-so), CEO of ABC company.” Throughout the ages, societies and mankind…

Yet Four Months

By Not Known The Lord says to His disciples in John 4:35, “Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.” These words nailed home the lessons Jesus wanted His disciples to learn from…

Christians, Silence is not Always Golden

By Not Known Last year, my family went to San Antonio, Texas for our reunion.  We live in different continents so gatherings like this are always special.  We looked forward to enjoying cool weather, good food and of course, out of this world shopping deals.  We were not disappointed—everything we had hoped for exceeded our…