Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.
Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.
Trained in the Law under the tutelage of Gamaliel (Acts 22:3), the apostle Paul’s credibility in theology was unquestionable. Despite being highly trained in theology, he recognised the importance of prayer support in his sharing of the gospel. In so doing, he would have the wisdom and courage in the ministry. He asked the church…
Biblical stewardship is as old as Creation itself. At the very onset, God made mankind in His image, in His likeness, so that mankind ‘may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the…
You may remember how your parents trained you to say “thank you” whenever you received a gift as a child. That’s because while gratitude is a choice, it also requires cultivation. In our fallen world, without cultivating a heart of gratitude, life can easily overwhelm or weary us with its tiring chores, difficult challenges, and…
In today’s world, we like to think that each of us are independent, self-determined, reliant only on ourselves, in charge of our own destinies. We tell children, “you can be whatever you want to be!” and we emphasise that it’s all up to their own effort and hard work. We also truly believe that for…
Most of us have heard such a statement, “They’re just children, so they’re easily swayed.” This is because a child’s thinking is shallow, as it is still developing and has yet to be developed sufficiently. Therefore, the child cannot make a wise judgement or decision. An adult, unlike a child, has a broader and deeper…
There is no dichotomy between being a Christian and being Jesus’ disciple. In fact, the word “Christian” only appears three times in the whole Bible. Every time, it was in reference to those who follow Jesus and his teachings. Acts 11:26 records the first reference where the two terms were equated. Barnabas and Paul had…
As a pastor, I have comforted, counselled and consoled people who have experienced suffering. Some examples… a family that has lost a loved one; a person undergoing tremendous relationship difficulties; and a person experiencing excruciating pain because of a deadly, searing and critical illness… Many a time, I would ask God, “Father, what is the…
There’s a common denominator that cuts across all peoples, social classes, and ages – and that commonality is suffering. All of us suffer though to different degrees, and none of us want to suffer. We want to know why God would let us go through what doesn’t seem good to us. Isn’t He supposed to…
Honesty is not merely a social virtue but a reflection of one’s character and relationship with God. It is one of the marks of a true follower of Christ. As the apostle Paul said, those who have been raised to new life with Christ must “put to death the sinful, earthly things lurking within you……
Our Lord Jesus says in John 14:6 that He is the way, the truth and the life. He embodies not just the truth, but the truth of who God is. He is always faithful and true. In Him, love and justice meet. And He changes not. Heaven and earth will pass away, but His word…