Pastoral Message (Page 27)

Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.

The Message of 1 Corinthians

By Rev Dr Clive Chin Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians was written around AD 55 to a spiritually troubled church. The church was actually comprised of various house churches, but Paul refers to them collectively as the church. Corinth was a major port city, with many temples devoted to Greek and Roman gods, and…

“New Year,” New Rhythm

By Ps Ho Wei Liang Today marks the first Sunday of 2020, the beginning of a new year and a new decade. This is at least true for the major part of our world today in which most countries have adopted the Gregorian calendar for civil purposes. But let us pause to think for a…

Number Your Days Wisely

By Pr Herna Kong As we are reaching the close of the year, we will do well to number our days wisely because we do not know how many of them we are still left with. The gift of each day to us is a blessing from God. We can use it and live it…

Celebrating Tradition

By Dr Agnes Tan During this time of the year, our church celebrates a service called A Festival of Lessons and Carols.  Let me share with you the story behind this special service.   In 1880, Edward White Benson, the first Bishop of Truro in Cornwall, England and later the Archbishop of Canterbury, created a…

“Be Like Christ in His Incarnation”

By Rev Dr Clive Chin An important message of Christmas is that God is with us. Jesus Christ came into this world and became one of us. The evangelist writes in Matt. 1:23, “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”). For…

The Shalom of God

By Not Known Today marks the second Sunday of Advent when we light the candle of peace. It reminds us once again of the peace that comes through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The Bible tells us in the Gospel of Luke 2:14 that when Jesus was born, a great company of heavenly hosts…

The Blessedness of Staying Faithful

By Rev Dr Edward Goh On this first Sunday of the Advent, we light the candle of hope, in remembrance of the Old Testament prophets, especially Isaiah who foretold the birth of our Saviour. What should this hope inspire in us? May I suggest faithfulness? This call to faithfulness in the light of the Messiah’s…

The Blessedness of a Godly Marriage

By Rev Dr Edward Goh We just had our Marriage Enrichment Retreat over the weekend of 8 to 10 Nov, Rev David Burke was the speaker. The key message impressed upon us is the constant need to work on our marriage regardless of our life stages, and to do so in accordance with “the Maker’s…

A Call to the Heart of True Worship

By Pr Herna Kong False worship comes in two main forms. The first and easiest to identify is the worship of false gods. The second is the worship of the one true God in a manner that He does not approve of. The second, which is subtle, is difficult to identify at times. What is…

Great is God’s faithfulness

By Rev John Chew Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. (Lam. 3:22-23) This is my last pastoral message before I officially retire. I praise and thank God for guiding me through 34 years of full-time service to…