Pastoral Message (Page 10)

Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.

Living with Eternity in View

As Hebrew 10:24-25 calls us to encourage one another, it also gives the key to do so. Effective biblical encouragement hinges on two “Cs”. They are our commitment to one another through our habitual gatherings and our faith confession which provides the biblical content for our encouragements. Hebrews 10:25 suggests that central to our faith…

Ps Tan Hui Ru

Fed or Not

“I don’t feel that I’m being fed spiritually.”  I’ve heard this several times from friends on why they are changing church. Maybe they don’t understand the preaching or the teaching in church doesn’t address their real needs and struggles. Maybe the music or the preaching, though spiritually nourishing, is not to their taste and style.…

When I pray…

What exactly is prayer? One view is that prayer is just talking to God as you would to anyone. But there is one major difference. When talking to God, we cannot see, hear or touch Him. In my view, prayer is about engaging in a relationship with God. And how we relate to God will…

Death with Christ, Raised with Christ

According to the Christian calendar, Easter is not just an event—the event of the glorious resurrection of the Lord Jesus from the dead—it is also a seven-week season that lasts until Pentecost. And there is biblical basis for Easter to be celebrated that way. After all, after the glorious resurrection of Christ, he appeared to…

Pastor Herna

Siding with the Truth

In life, we have to take sides sometimes. There are occasions in which this can put us in a dilemma. On the one hand, deep inside us, we know which side is in the right. On the other, there are considerations that sway us to take the side of the wrong; close relationship, peer pressure,…

Confidence in Prayer

Many Christians are reluctant to prayer for various reasons. Perhaps we feel a bit self-conscious at times, especially praying in public. Maybe we compare our prayers with the prayers of others, who seem to be more articulate. But prayer, in the Christian life, is as important and natural as breathing. Think about it for a…

The Provisions to Follow Jesus

Have you ever asked what it means to be a disciple of Christ? Jesus tells us in Luke 6:40, “A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher.” Discipleship is following Jesus to become like Him. But following Jesus is so hard, our best efforts…

Ps Tan Hui Ru

God’s Grace is Enough

One of the images that has stayed with me in these past 3 years (nearly) of ministry in church is that of mountain climbing. Serving God through working in church has always reminded me of climbing up a steep, rocky mountain. And you know what? I’ve tried mountain climbing, albeit only on Kota Kinabalu, and…

Spiritual Giants

Christian history is peppered with people who are acknowledged as Spiritual Giants. Some are known for providing theological insights that shaped the development of the Church. Their writings not only impacted the Church but also the world. Examples of such persons would be Augustine, Thomas Aquinas and John Calvin. For some, their total focus and…