By Not Known
We will hear the Christian message today. It is a message about Jesus. It is a message that Jesus is God’s Son who came, lived, died and was raised so that we can be saved and belong to God in the fullest and richest sense.
Some may ‘tune-out’ and decide not to listen to this message. Some may listen and dismiss it as nonsense. Some may listen and find that they have more questions than answers. Some will listen and decide that they are ready to become Christians. Which group do you belong to?
How do we become Christians? It’s really as simple as ‘A B C‘.
Accept your need of Jesus. You have lived in God’s world, but have not lived God’s way. Instead you have lived your own way. Now you realise that you should be living in God’s way. Perhaps you have tried to be good in your own strength, but now realise that you can never be good enough for God. Relax – this realisation makes you ready to see that you need God alone to be your saviour in Jesus.
Believe in Jesus. The Bible tells us that the person who believes in Jesus will most certainly be forgiven and be saved. Further, this is the only way to be saved. To believe in Jesus is to entrust ourselves to him and to totally rely on the fact that he has been good enough for us. When we believe in Jesus, God looks at Jesus’ goodness instead of at our sinfulness.
Commit to Jesus. A Christian is someone who trusts, follows and serves Jesus. We trust him for our salvation. We follow him, with God’s help, in the way we live. We serve him by using our time, talents and treasure to help do his will in our lives and in the world.
The Bible tells a story of people becoming Christians in Acts 2:36-47. As you read it, notice how these people went through the ‘A B C’ steps mentioned above. They had been very religious people, but now they discovered that all they needed was ‘just Jesus‘. Are you ready to join them?
Here is a prayer to pray if you want to become a Christian:
Dear God, I acknowledge that I have been living the wrong way and deserve your anger. I now believe in your Son Jesus as my Saviour. I commit myself to trust, follow and serve Jesus for the rest of my life. Thank you for saving me. Amen.