Natural Abilities; Sacred Gifts

By Not Known

The Discovery Channel produced a documentary television series entitled “Extreme Engineering” which featured monumental construction projects around the world deemed physically challenging and technically almost impossible to build; e.g., the 14 km-long Gibraltar Bridge, the 170-story Millennium Tower and the 4000 plus foot-long Freedom Ship. These buildings and bridges are engineering feats that glorify their human designers and makers.

In our Universe, there are hundreds of billions of galaxies. In our natural world, the oceans and dry lands span the surface of the earth. Our waters and skies teem with living creatures of countless species. Creation is in itself an incomparable engineering feat that glorifies its divine designer and maker – God. It is no wonder that the psalmist praised God with these words, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands” 
(Ps 19:1).

Human beings have the ability to design and build structures that test the limits of our finite existence because our maker, God Himself is the infinite Creator of all things. Having been made in His image and likeness, we too should not be surprised by our natural giftedness. The question is: Do we humbly recognise our abilities as God’s gifts and acknowledge Him? Do we give glory to God for every piece of work that we do from the smallest and simplest to the biggest and most complex – a beautiful painting that brightens the home, soothing music that livens the soul, a well-cooked dish that satisfies the appetite, a skyscraper that commands awe, a subterranean tunnel that deepens our sense of adventure, a space shuttle that bridges two planets, etc. God is the One Who enables and emboldens human beings to do all these.

In Exodus 31:3, God said, “I have filled [Bezalel] with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts – to make artistic designs…” In that context, Bezalel was tasked to design and build all the intricate articles for the Tent of Meeting. Bezalel’s natural abilities are sacred gifting for glorifying God.

When you admire the great beauty of nature – Praise God! When you marvel at the extreme engineering icons of our world – Praise God! When you go about your daily life with the abilities God has given you – Thank God! Indeed, let us join the psalmist in unison singing, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.” (Ps 150:6)


Benson Goh