- 18 Mar 2023
- LET - Leadership Equipping and Training
- Recording
- Presentation
How do we pray as a group in our Discipleship Groups?
How do we pray as a group in our Discipleship Groups?
What is leadership?
What is spiritual leadership?
How do we lead?
How do we use the new BFA format?
Has anyone ever discipled you?
To disciple someone means to be in a formal relationship with a more mature Christian, who guides you to grow in a step by step process as a disciple of Jesus Christ
Are you right now discipling anyone else?
Discipleship is not a program. A “disciple” is one who follows Jesus (literally like the apostles or figuratively as to learn from him) and becomes more like him:
“The student (disciple) is not above the teacher, nor a servant above his master. It is enough for students (disciples) to be like their teachers, and servants like their masters” (Matt 10:24-25)
BFA for March – Luke 6 & 7
Topic: How to use the sharing time in your discipleship group
What are the practices of a healthy discipleship group? In this Leadership Equipping and Training talk, Rev Clive answers this question
The gospel is about placing our faith and trust in Jesus Christ for our salvation. That means Christians have a personal relationship with God. How should we think of the relationship between God and humans? To answer that question and tounderstand the gospel plotline in the Bible, we must make sense of God’s promises to Abraham.
In this session, we will discuss a few important matters.
The gospel in the larger context of thebiblical narrative begins with the claim that God is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. Although Christians cannot prove the existence of God,there are many cogent reasons why creationism is still the most valid worldview.
This lesson will introduce a few of the standard arguments—philosophical,moral, and historical—for the existenceof a Creator God. If you want to learn how to answer objections and defend the truth of the Christian faith, this lesson is for you.
As evangelical Christians, it is critical for us to understand the core or fundamental belief of Christian faith. The Apostle Paul explains the “gospel” as the doctrine by which the Corinthians were saved as “of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scripture…” (1 Cor 15:3). Thus, the gospel refers to the person and work of Jesus Christ as the fulfilment of OT messianic promises, and constitutes the main storyline of the entire Bible.
Our 2023 SoCM adult Sunday School class has three main learning objectives to support our initiative to build a disciple-making church. We seek to:
The first session is introductory in nature and will cover the “Biblical Gospel” in its concise and broader contexts.