With Thanksgiving: One-Year Reflection

By Not Known Hello, Church!  Time flies so fast.  Last week was my first anniversary serving in ORPC.  As I reflected on my journey to Singapore/ORPC, I was filled with thanksgiving for God’s goodness.  I’ve experienced the blessings that came with obedience, the power of prayer, and the importance of love. Obedience.  When the possibility…

Lessons From Tabernacle

By Not Known After delivering His people from slavery in Egypt, God had to educate them to live in a society that served many gods and idols.  They had to learn to live aright with the worship of Yahweh, the God of Abraham, Jacob and Isaac.  Teaching them about who He was and how to…

More Fun Please!

By Not Known Last Tuesday we had a wonderful church picnic at the East Coast Park.  Nearly a hundred adults, youths and children had a blast – worshipping together, playing games, eating and just hanging out with each other in a relaxed setting. We worshipped God as we gazed upon sea and sky. We sat…

The Importance Of A Name

By Not Known One of the most daunting tasks for parents is choosing the ‘right’ name for their child. Looking back, I remember the endless nights my wife and I spent toiling over English and Chinese baby name books, trying to choose suitable names for our daughters. The process of choosing the right name for…

Experiencing God

By Not Known “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest” (Ex 33:14).  This was the LORD’s reassuring response to Moses when he interceded for the Israelites. Very often you and I also long for God’s presence in a real and experiential way.  We desire that most in seasons of stresses…

Till Death Do Us Part?

By Not Known What would you do if your spouse was absolutely adamant about breaking her marriage vows?  The last thing you ever wanted was a divorce and you have tried very hard to save the marriage. But sadly, your spouse went ahead.  She had already started the proceedings by instructing her lawyers to initiate…

Why We Believe Jesus Rose From The Dead?

By Not Known If Jesus did not rise from the dead, the Christian faith is a foolish fantasy. However, if the resurrection of Christ did occur, it confirms His life, message and atoning work. It is the basis of our hope of life beyond the grave. Christ is alive, and the evidence is overwhelming. Here…

Where’s My Joy?

By Not Known Christ at Gethsamane cried to God in His moment of anguish, “Remove this cup from Me…”  What Christ expressed from His heart is very much in line with what David was expressing in Psalm 16.  The drinking from the cup was a refence to participating in a sorrowful experience in life. In…

Increasing Prayer

By Not Known Our monthly prayer meeting should not be the only time for prayer. Paul encourages us to “always keep on praying” (I Thess 5:17 Living Bible).  We can pray at set times as well as spontaneously. Small groups are a great place to share personal prayer items. We can be creative and use…

Lost and found

By Not Known When was the last time you lost something valuable? Did you give up searching or were you persistently looking for it until it was found? How happy and relieved you were when you finally found it. Likewise, when it comes to people, God does not give up, for he loves his children…