The Worship of Work

By Not Known What do we think of when we read the words “The Worship of Work“? Perhaps we think of work becoming an act of idolatry that replaces God. Work can be an idol and an act of false worship. Our longest and best hours are often spent at work, to the neglect of…

I Choose Jesus

By Not Known Have you ever made an enormous mistake and then realise it afterwards? As is often said, what matters is not the mistake we make but what we do with them. In Acts 2: 36-37 we read of people in this situation. They had shared in killing Jesus. At the time, they thought…

Keep Running

By Not Known As we sit in church this morning, a ladies’ 10Km run race will be held elsewhere in Singapore. 10km is not a long race by the standards of some, but it is long enough to need careful preparation and a disciplined approach. Several Bible passages compare the Christina life to a running…

Has Anything Changed?

By Not Known During the last month we have focused on the work of God’s outreach through missions and evangelism. Has anything changed? We have done Bible Studies and heard sermons around different aspects of the outreach task. We have learned how God commands us to take his message to all people, that he promises…

What are you passing on today?

By Not Known It is easy to give away things that we do not need or value. Gifts we received from past Christmases, birthday celebrations, weddings, house-warmings, or maternity hand-me-downs are passed on from person to person, and family to family. Many of these ended up in messy storerooms where unwanted items continue to stream…

Mission Impossible?

By Not Known The command of Jesus is that his people should make disciples from all ‘nations‘ (Mt 28: 19) or, as we might express it today, all ‘people groups‘. Think about that. No part of humanity is outside the plan of God .. who desires all people to be saved and to come to…

Giving our Best for Missions

By Not Known Henry Martyn was the best maths undergraduate at Cambridge University in his day. After graduation, he seems destined for a stellar career in his chosen occupation of law. Instead, Henry Martyn went to India in 1806 as a Christian missionary. In the next six years, Henry Martyn translated the New Testament into…

Problem and Solution

By Not Known The UN Secretary General recently said that things have become worse in the international arena over the last 10 years. That should make us think. Big increases in knowledge, education, technology, communications, wealth and such like have not become keys to an improvement in the human condition. Corruption, injustice and restrictions on…

What is the Problem?

By Not Known Many think that the deepest human problem is that we are deprived. On this understanding, what we need is more of the things that we are deprived of in order to be happy. Some think that we are deprived of knowledge. Modern societies often see this as ignorance of scientific knowledge. If…

Where Am I?

By Not Known Our sense of location is important. Do we define our space in terms of immediate neighbourhood, country or region? Or do we have a global sense of living in a complex set of relationships with every other human being and with the rest of creation? Alternatively, do we reach even higher and…