Pastor Herna

Remain in Jesus

Living apart from someone whom we love is certainly very painful. Separation can destroy a relationship that has been painstakingly built over the years. Jesus knew that in a little while, he would be separated from His disciples—after His death and resurrection, He would go back to Heaven to prepare a place for them before…

“Being with Jesus” Mark 3:13-14

The Lord has impressed upon me from his word such warnings as “pruning branches” so we may bear more fruits (Jn 15), and renewing our “first love” (Rev 2). I have focused on these teachings from Jesus, as sources of my personal walk and renewal. Unless the church knows what God is saying and doing,…

It’s Your Choice

We know that human life is filled with decisions. We must make choices every day of our lives—some of them are insignificant decisions, like what to eat for lunch after Sunday service, while some of them come with life-changing consequences. When it comes to the latter—matters that carries such weight—we often take longer. Or we…

A Virtue Worth Pursuing…

Imagine the following: First, at home, your five-year-old child throws a tantrum and refuses to follow your instructions and creates a mess. Second, at work, you have a colleague who often makes simple mistakes thus creating problems that result in logjams in your group project. Third, in church, you are frustrated with a member who…