Confidence in Prayer

Many Christians are reluctant to prayer for various reasons. Perhaps we feel a bit self-conscious at times, especially praying in public. Maybe we compare our prayers with the prayers of others, who seem to be more articulate. But prayer, in the Christian life, is as important and natural as breathing. Think about it for a…

The Provisions to Follow Jesus

Have you ever asked what it means to be a disciple of Christ? Jesus tells us in Luke 6:40, “A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher.” Discipleship is following Jesus to become like Him. But following Jesus is so hard, our best efforts…

Ps Tan Hui Ru

God’s Grace is Enough

One of the images that has stayed with me in these past 3 years (nearly) of ministry in church is that of mountain climbing. Serving God through working in church has always reminded me of climbing up a steep, rocky mountain. And you know what? I’ve tried mountain climbing, albeit only on Kota Kinabalu, and…

Spiritual Giants

Christian history is peppered with people who are acknowledged as Spiritual Giants. Some are known for providing theological insights that shaped the development of the Church. Their writings not only impacted the Church but also the world. Examples of such persons would be Augustine, Thomas Aquinas and John Calvin. For some, their total focus and…

Awaiting Light in the Darkness

Today marks the first Sunday of Lent, the season of prayer and penitence as we reflect upon Christ’s suffering and sacrifice—his life, death, burial, and resurrection. During this period, we devote ourselves to being quiet before God, reading and reflecting upon His word, considering and confessing the depth of our sin, but also the greater…

Membership Class

The membership class will begin on Tuesday, 11 April, 7.30 – 9.30 pm (classes run for 6 consecutive Tuesdays until Tuesday, 16 May). The classes will be held onsite in Dunman Building Basement Room 6 (DB6). Regular worshippers who are deciding to become Communicant Members of ORPC by baptism, confirmation or transfer are encouraged to…

Faith Expressed in Prayer

If overcoming the power and paralysis of our sins requires an active trust in Christ’s authority to liberate us, what is the character of such faith? The examples of the leper, the paralytic and his friends, and Levi in Luke 5 teach us that faith earnestly seeks and decisively looks to the Lord Jesus. As…

Pastor Herna

Resolutions and Actions

The beginning of a new year is usually a time for making resolutions; setting up goals to be reached in the new year. For some people, however, the making of resolutions is a futile endeavour because their resolutions never go beyond the planning stage, as they are not acted on.  One January, some years ago,…