By Not Known

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

How excited I am to be writing this message to all of you! I feel blessed that God has called me here to minister to and alongside so many wonderful people!

My faith journey has molded the person I am today.  I believed in Christ since my childhood, possibly starting from the influence of being in a Presbyterian kindergarten. Eventually, Jesus became my Lord and Saviour at the age of sixteen. In my later young adult days, I attended True Way Presbyterian Church for some years before confirming my decision to serve God as my full-time calling. Looking back, I believe God has been calling me to ministry even when I was young. In 2002, I went on a prayer mission trip to Israel. It was a life-changing trip for me, as there was a definitive moment during the trip when I sensed God asking me about surrendering my life choices to Him. It took me many years of courage to finally respond to the Lord, “Yes, Lord, I am willing.”

Between my first and second year of seminary at Trinity Theological College, besides serving as an intern preacher in youth ministry in Glory Presbyterian (Chinese) Church, I was also a student hospital chaplain in a clinical pastoral education programme at St. Andrew’s Community Hospital. It was here that I felt like a “spiritual houseman”, ministering to those who needed encouragement during their stay. This experience was formative in helping me discern what type of ministries I would be called to serve. Having gone through two major operations also helped me to be more empathetic towards those recuperating from illnesses and surgery.

I believe that God uses our experiences from the past to nurture and to grow us. Through my time of serving God full-time in churches, I’ve had the opportunity to reflect on my ministries. I have had the privilege to preach and teach, and to minister to the sick and needy, comfort their grieving families and be involved in community services. At other times, to celebrate with members of the church: women, elderly, children, youth and young adults.

Involving in these ministries, I’ve seen the importance of working together for and with members of the Body of Christ, despite our differences for we are all children of God. I enjoy looking at ways that we can reach out to all congregants, providing pastoral care and education, whether they are in pre-school or tertiary institutions, young adulthood or in retirement. How do we make all people feel inclusive in the church regardless of their stages in life? God is with all of us and loves us, no matter what stage or life situation, whether we are the weak Adam or the courageous Joshua (Romans 8:38-39).

As part of the team to be here for you, I am looking forward to meet and to get to know more of you personally in the days ahead.


Michele Tang