Posts by Rev Dr Edward Goh

The Holy Spirit’s Work

1 John 2:20 says, “But you have been anointed by the Holy One, and you all have knowledge.” A believer has been born again through the work of the Holy Spirit. Does this anointing imply believers do not need anyone to teach them? How does this anointing teach a believer all things? 1 John 4:2…

We Are Christians by Our Love

Revelation 19:20 says the eternal destiny of all who oppose Christ is the lake of fire. They bear the mark of the beast, with the name “666” inscribed onto their foreheads or hands (Rev 13:17-18, 14:9,11). Believers too, have on their foreheads, a seal, marking them as belonging to God (Rev 9:4). As these are…

How does prayer empower my faith?

Philippians 4:6 calls us to be anxious for nothing, but with prayer and thanksgiving to bring everything to God and God’s peace will guard our hearts and minds. Robert Leighton suggests that we are lying to God in prayer if we don’t rely on him afterwards. Prayer is thus putting our faith in God. Paul…

How can I be thankful to God for all things?

You may remember how your parents trained you to say “thank you” whenever you received a gift as a child.  That’s because while gratitude is a choice, it also requires cultivation. In our fallen world, without cultivating a heart of gratitude, life can easily overwhelm or weary us with its tiring chores, difficult challenges, and…

How does the fruit of the Spirit differ from my personality and temperament?

Galatians 5:22-23 says the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. They are not some selectable traits but a single whole-person character that reflects Jesus in thoughts, attitudes, feelings, words, and behaviours. Paul certainly had the Lord Jesus in mind when he described these qualities. He distinguished…