Peace on Earth, Goodwill among Man

By Not Known In 1966, Simon and Garfunkel released the song, “7 O’clock News/Silent Night.”  The carol, Silent Night, was sung but the background was filled with the shrill of police cars’ siren and the report on the news about various unrests, conflicts, and rumors of wars.  It is one thing to hope for peace…

Please Rise!

By Not Known Whenever a Master of Ceremony (MC) calls the seated guests to rise, we imagine the playing of the fanfare and expect the arrival of some important persons with pomp and pageantry. But what if the dust settles and no one turns up after repeated calls… two explanations are possible: (1) the MC…

Relationship Pointers

By Not Known Weddings are great occasions of love and there isn’t anything quite like witnessing two lives coming together in the sight of God, family, and friends as they become husband and wife. More importantly, it characterizes the eternal relationship that exists between Christ and his church. Last Saturday, I had the honor and privilege…

God’s United Nations

By Not Known When God confused the language of the whole world and scattered the people all over the earth (Gen 11:7&8), it was with a specific purpose that they would never be so united in power and ability as to think a world of themselves (11:4&6). The underlining danger is that humankind would deny…

Get Real

By Not Known One of the most poignant scenes in Acts 2 is when the listeners of Peter’s sermon are described as being “cut to the heart”.  They then responded to the apostles: “Brothers, what should we do?”  Peter’s reply was “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus for…

Church in Society

By Not Known The term ‘local church’ suggests that we, as a community of Christians, are set in a particular locale. In many ways, the church is a microcosm of the society, mirroring the cultures and issues faced by the wider community within which it exists. To effectively influence the wider society for God requires…

Holy Ambition

By Not Known When I completed the last paper of my PSLE, I thought I was getting nearer to be a fighter pilot as I always wanted to.  I loved to fly even though I had no idea at that time where the airport was even situated.  I had only seen planes on TVs and…

Good Leaders

By Not Known I remember a TV documentary some time back when a male German Shepherd came running to its owner after wandering off to the field. It would run toward him and then off again and then back several times until its owner realised that it was trying to get him to follow in…

After 155

By Not Known In 1856, God worked through some Scottish expatriates as they founded this church. Since then, we could see how God has been with us. With every generation carrying and building on from the last, from a small congregation of a few, we now have many. From what little resources the early generation…

Stop Nagging!

By Not Known What is the difference between fervent petitioning and faithless nagging on God? Jesus describes the latter, in the case of the Pharisees, as an endless babbling and an empty showmanship (Matt 6:7). While many of us would also frown upon that, it is worth examining our own intercessory life. Why do parents…