Posts by Ps Ho Wei Liang

“Can I Lose my Salvation?”

If you are worried enough to ask this question, chances are you shouldn’t worry about being saved! Why? Because in our Presbyterian understanding of election, we recognize that God saves sinners who do not in themselves even want to be saved. As Paul writes, we were once dead in our transgressions and sins (Ephesians 2:1),…

Celebrating the Life Giver

Today, we celebrate Mother’s Day—sorry fathers (myself included!), you will have to wait another five weeks for your turn because it’s “ladies first”! This day is dedicated to honour motherhood, to acknowledge and show our appreciation for their self-giving love and their critical role in the upliftment of society. As Christians, it is right for…

It’s Your Choice

We know that human life is filled with decisions. We must make choices every day of our lives—some of them are insignificant decisions, like what to eat for lunch after Sunday service, while some of them come with life-changing consequences. When it comes to the latter—matters that carries such weight—we often take longer. Or we…

The Posture of Listening

What should I do with my life? Who should I date? Should I get married? Who should I marry? What course of study should I pursue? Which tertiary institution should I go to? What job should I take up? How do I know I’m making the right decisions? These are just a few of the…

The Other Lion

What comes to mind when you picture a lion in your mind? For me, the verse from 1 Peter 5:8 pops into my head right away —“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” But as we dwell upon the imagery a…

Loving the Cockroach

I know of a brother who housed a tank of cockroaches in his home; I’m not sure if he still does. What I am more certain, to the point of almost complete certainty, is that for many of us, the only good cockroach is a dead one. And that unlike the title of this writing,…