Posts by Pr Herna Kong

Pastor Herna

The Best Pursuit

She was from a humble background, and she was determined to change the course of her destiny. She persevered in her academic pursuit and attained sterling results, which led her to a good career. By her late twenties, she already had her own luxury home and car. What she lacked was a life partner. That…

Pastor Herna

A Legacy to Our Children

My father, after the failure of his business, was no longer a wealthy man so he could not leave any wealth or properties to his four children. Nevertheless, I am grateful that he could afford to give us the best education at university. His desire was for us to have a better life than he.…

Pastor Herna


Being afraid to face the future is normal, especially after going through difficult challenges of the past year. We are afraid how much more difficult the challenges in this current year will be. I shared with my best friend about my fears and she answered me with just one word; Ebenezer. That encouraged and strengthened…

Pastor Herna

The Word That Transforms Lives

Saint Augustine of Hippo (13 November 354 – 28 August 430) was a church father whose life was transformed by the Word of God. Augustine used to be a womaniser, a rowdy drunk, an occasional thief, and an unbeliever; he made a mess of his life. At the age of 31, however, Augustine repented because…

Pastor Herna

Importance of Prayer in Mission and Evangelism

Trained in the Law under the tutelage of Gamaliel (Acts 22:3), the apostle Paul’s credibility in theology was unquestionable. Despite being highly trained in theology, he recognised the importance of prayer support in his sharing of the gospel. In so doing, he would have the wisdom and courage in the ministry. He asked the church…

Pastor Herna

Growing in Spiritual Maturity

Most of us have heard such a statement, “They’re just children, so they’re easily swayed.” This is because a child’s thinking is shallow, as it is still developing and has yet to be developed sufficiently. Therefore, the child cannot make a wise judgement or decision. An adult, unlike a child, has a broader and deeper…

Pastor Herna

God’s Holiness and Us

Holiness is the characteristic of God’s nature that is at the very core of His being. It is expressed in trisagion – “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty” (Isaiah 6:3, Revelations 4:8). Nothing of God’s character is emphasised thrice, other than holiness. Because God is holy, He never compromises on anything that is evil or…

Pastor Herna

Cultivating Christlike Character

Tim LaHaye in his book, You and Your Family, writes about the family trees of two men who lived in the 18th century. One of them was Jonathan Edwards, the great puritan preacher who shook new England for the Lord Jesus Christ. The other was Max Jukes, a contemporary of Jonathan Edwards. The latter was…

Pastor Herna

Witnessing for Christ

I was touched by my mentor’s kindness. She shared with me her ministry experience for me to draw lessons from, as well as to help me grow my own ministry. I believe everyone has something useful to share with others regardless of our profession. In regard to our journey of faith, all of us have…

Pastor Herna

Remain in Jesus

Living apart from someone whom we love is certainly very painful. Separation can destroy a relationship that has been painstakingly built over the years. Jesus knew that in a little while, he would be separated from His disciples—after His death and resurrection, He would go back to Heaven to prepare a place for them before…