Session is calling for an Extraordinary Congregational Meeting (ECM) for the election of Elders and Deacons to be held on Sunday, 25 May 2025. Those elected will serve a three-year term from 1 July 2025.
ORPC members are entitled to nominate other ORPC members who have been serving faithfully in ORPC and demonstrated leadership qualities, for election as Elders or Deacons.
The closing date for nominations is Sunday, 6 April 2025.
Session will interview all candidates with their spouses (if any). Those who qualify and are deemed to be suitable nominees will be recommended and announced to the congregation on three Sundays (4, 11 and 18 May 2025) prior to the election date.
To be duly elected, candidates must receive at least (a) two-thirds of the votes cast for Elders and (b) half of the votes cast for Deacons.
Elders and Deacons must be proposed and seconded by other communicant members of ORPC.
A member who wants to nominate another member should first check the eligibility of that other member before making any nomination (see below).
The proposer needs a seconder for the nomination. After both the proposer and the seconder have signed the nomination form, the nominee must sign the form to confirm his/her consent to the nomination.
All completed nomination forms must be submitted, for the attention of the Session Clerk, to the English Congregation Executive ( by Sunday, 6 April 2025.
Elders and Deacons are voluntary office bearers in the Congregation. They join the pastoral staff in pastoral leadership and oversight, oversee the management of ORPC, assist in the administration of ORPC and in all matters concerning the building-up and growth of ORPC.
Elders serve primarily in Session and may also be appointed to the Board of Management (BoM). Session is the final decision-making body in ORPC and has particular responsibility for the spiritual mission and growth of ORPC.
Deacons serve in the BoM and have particular responsibility for the pastoral care of God’s people and for managing the material resources of ORPC to serve its spiritual mission.
- Elders and Deacons must meet the biblical qualifications according to 1 Timothy 3:1-13 and Titus 1:6-9.
- Nominees must be communicant members of ORPC for more than three years.
- All nominees are expected to have served in at least one area of ministry in ORPC for a minimum period of one year prior to being nominated.
- Elders must have served for at least one term of three years as a Deacon.
- Spouses of Elders and Deacons must also be communicant members of ORPC. Divorcees and those with previously-divorced spouses do not qualify for nomination.
- Elders and Deacons must assent to the basic creeds and confessions of the Presbyterian Church, the Apostles’ Creed, the Westminster Confession of Faith, the Constitution of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church in Singapore and the Constitution of ORPC.
- Elders and Deacons must assent to and carry out the vision and mission of ORPC to do Disciple-Making Church.
- Elders and Deacons are expected to be regular in attendance at worship, leadership and congregational meetings e.g. Session/BoM meetings, life-stage / ministry / committee meetings as assigned, Leaders’ Onboarding, Leaders’ Equipping & Training, Leaders’ Retreat, Annual and Extraordinary congregational meetings. They will also undertake other duties relevant to their office and other assigned responsibilities as decided from time to time.
- Nominees must not be or have been disqualified to be a member of the Board of Management or Session by virtue of the Charities Act, chapter 37 of Singapore, or any other statute, law or regulation.