Christian Education

The Christian Education Ministry seeks to help believers CONNECT to the Word of God so that they will COMMIT to the God of the Word and be the people of God shining His light and love wherever they go. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this is not…

Congregation Care

Congregational care is about building a community of Christian disciples growing together in spiritual maturity, showing love to one another through prayer and acts of service, mutually encouraging one another in the faith, and reaching out to connect others to the body of Christ. The ministry of congregational care is about reaching out to people,…


We seek to honour God’s name with faithful and reverential worship. We aim to provide a total worship experience and disciple making process through worship services, music ministries, ushers, audio-visual (AV) arrangements, scripture reading, floral ministry and sermons. sub-ministries

Mission and Evangelism

Biblical Basis The church exists to make known Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord of the world. Therefore, ORPC is committed to missions and evangelism in obedience to the specific command of our Lord Jesus to “go and make disciples of all nations…” (Mt. 28:19) (known also as the “Great Commission”). In the power of…